When you purchase an e-bike from us, it is assembled by our service department just for you. For a skilled mechanic with the right tools, this takes about 90 minutes to complete. This comes as a surprise to many customers. Most e-bike advertising includes the false promise of an e-bike delivered to your door that is assembled at the factory and requires only a few final adjustments. This is not the case for 99% of the industry.
Most e-bikes are loosely assembled at the factory. Fresh out of the box, they requires brake alignment, wheel truing, derailleur alignment, shifter adjustment, a check on all critical bolts for thread-prep and correct torque, a vigorous test ride, and some final adjustments. Let our team of professionals get it right for you the first time around.
We recommend this service every 1250 miles or annually. The goal is to return your e-bike to “like new” shape as much as possible. It includes
408 18th Ave South
Seattle, WA 98144
Tues-Sat 10am-6pm